Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I have to admit that my post-college life is nothing like I thought it would. I thought I'd graduate, we'd get married, find wonderful jobs that paid 50k a year, buy a home, travel the world and be happy.

Um... not so much.

Every step forward has been a fight. We got married, I graduated, we found jobs but they barely paid the bills, we bought a home and will probably not have the time or money to travel to see our families for several years. Never mind traveling the world. Never mind being happy.

My life goes something like this. Wake up, shower, get ready for work, work, eat lunch, work, come home, eat dinner, veg in front of the tv, play on the internet, sleep, wake up.

Life is what you make it. At least, I think that's how it goes. I need to find ways to make myself happy. I've been running around the last 11 months feeling sorry for myself and focusing so hard on how much I don't love my job. It's time to get over that and find balance in my life. Not everything is about my job or about money. I've really been thinking about who I want to be as a person and what I want out of life aside from my career (or lack thereof).

I want to contribute 10% to retirement. We just aren't there yet but it is a goal that I want to meet.
I need to realize how fortunate I am to have so few student loans, a low mortgage, and a wonderful first home.

I want to focus more of my time on my hobbies.
I love to read. I just picked up A Tree Grows In Brooklyn and am loving it so far. I had forgotten how much I love the library.
Snowboarding is my passion. I am making it a personal goal to go more often this winter.
I need to exercise more. It's healthy and it relives stress. What more could I ask for? I have started running again and although it is slow and painful, I already feel better about myself.
I am making an effort to pick up my camera more often. I love photography and using it as a way of expressing myself.
I am seeking spiritual growth. We went to church as a kid but I have no idea what I exactly believe. I would like to explore several churches and I am reading the Bible.

I need to focus on what I can change. I need to succeed at the things that I can control and not worry as much about the things I can't.
I need to expand my horizons and work on self-improvement. I want to apply to start working on my MBA next year and I am focusing on self development courses at work.
I need to apply for jobs more often. I have felt defeated lately and have stopped putting in as much of an effort. Not applying is not going to get me anywhere.

My life needs to be better. I can change things for myself. I just need to do it.

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